Number |
CF-2024-25 |
Issued by |
Canada |
Issue date |
2024-07-08 |
Effective date |
2024-07-12 |
EASA approval number |
Contributor |
Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA) |
ATA Chapter |
27 |
Approval Holder / Type Designation |
MHI RJ Aviation ULC
CL-600 (Regional Jet)
CL-600-2C10 (RJ 700)
CL-600-2C10 (RJ 701)
CL-600-2C10 (RJ 702)
CL-600-2C11 (RJ 550)
CL-600-2D15 (RJ 705)
CL-600-2D24 (RJ 900)
CL-600-2E25 (RJ 1000)
Revision |
Not applicable
Correction |
Not applicable
Supersedure |
Publication(s) and related information |
SB 670BA-27-077, Initial Issue, dated 16 April 2024, or later revisions approved by the Chief, Continuing Airworthiness, Transport Canada. |
Remarks |
Comments regarding this AD should be referred to the Safety Information Section, Certification Directorate, EASA; E-mail:
ADs [at] easa.europa [dot] eu