Publication(s) and related information |
- CAA Israel AD 57-10-06-18, dated 27 July 2010.
- Gulfstream Aerospace LP Service Bulletin (SB) 200-51-366,
dated 30 March 2010.
- AgustaWestland Information Letter GEN-11-024, dated
20 July 2011.
- Bell Helicopter Textron Operation Safety Notice GEN-11-43
Revision A, dated 16 September 2011.
- Robinson Helicopter Co. Service Letters R22 SL-58, R44 SL-
38 and R66 SL-01 (single document), dated 18 August 2011.
- L-3 Communications, Aviation Recorder Alert Bulletins
FA2100CVDR SB 015, dated 10 January 2011, FA2100CVR
SB 018, dated 14 January 2011 and FA2100FDR SB 020,
dated 14 January 2011.
- CASA Australia Airworthiness Bulletin (AWB) 14-002, dated
12 October 2011.
- CAA New Zealand Continuing Airworthiness Notice 14-001,
dated 2 December 2011.
- Australian Transportation Safety Board (ATSB) Investigation
Report AO-2011-016, dated 30 April 2012.
- Airfasco Industries “Technical Quality Notice Bulletin MS21042
& NAS1291 450 F Steel” dated 20 August 2012, which is
attached as pages 6 through 9 of this SIB.
- United Kingdom Ministry of Defence Report 1710NAS/
04/130855/20298.2 “Investigation into the Conformity to
Specification of Aerospace Nuts”, dated 3 September 2013.
- Transport Canada Civil Aviation Safety Alert (CASA) 2013-04,
dated 9 September 2013.
- EASA AD 2013-0225-E, dated 20 September 2013. |